What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Big Idea of the Series: The New Testament has many “one another” statements.  As we live these out in our lives of faith, we will live as true follower of Jesus, and others will want to also follow Jesus.

Love is the Foundation

Big Idea: Jesus tells us to love one another as He loves us.  This is the foundation of our lives as followers of Jesus.

Love Forms Our Relationships

Big Idea: Jesus welcomed all people.  As His followers, we are to be welcoming.  We do that by living out love for others by living humbly.

Love Means Service

Big Idea: Jesus loves us by serving us.  We are to love by serving.

Love Builds Up

Big Idea: Jesus never leaves us as He finds us.  He always makes us better.  He finds us as enemies of God; He makes us children of God.  We are to build others up as well.