Big Idea of Series: Who is shaping your world view? The world or Jesus? Learn how to S.W.A.P. the world’s view for the Holy Spirit’s!
What are You Being Filled With?
Big Idea: God has created us to be filled with His Holy Spirit. Only then can we experience the abundant life that Jesus promises.
Surrender to His Will and His Every Word
Big Idea: Every day, every moment, someone or something controls us. Only when we allow God’s Sprit to control us in all areas of our life will we experience the promise of abundant life.
Wait on God in Prayer
Big Idea: God does not operate on our time. His time is the best. Before He can fill us with the Holy Spirit, He needs to make us ready. This involves waiting and trusting in Him.
Avoid Sin
Big Idea: The third person of the Trinity is the Holy Spirit. He fills and guides holy containers, not unholy ones.
Pursue the Prompting of the Holy Spirit
Big Idea: Only as we Surrender, Wait, and Avoid Sin are we ready to hear and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit.