The Messengers of Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $12,000 for 3 ministries:
This year we are supporting 3 ministries that bring the message of Christmas to many people:
- Premier Palace – New Life has a long history with Premier Palace. Many of the ladies staying there worship with us as well as join us for Wednesday night Bible study. Some come only during their stay at Premier Palace. But others have become members of New Life. Premier Palace needs help in making necessary repairs so that more ladies can be helped. Our ongoing partnership with Premier Palace will enable New Life to be a Messenger of Christmas to those staying at Premier Palace!
- Faith Comes By Hearing– Ann Simons has been our long-time partner at Faith Comes By Hearing. Recently she retired to take care of her husband. Unfortunately, her husband passed away before she could bring him home from the hospital. Our Christmas Offering will be given in honor of Ann and her long-time service as a Messenger of Christmas through Faith Comes by Hearing.
Want to learn more about Faith Comes by Hearing? Click here!
- Chris’ Cupboard – Every month we feed hungry stomachs and offer spiritual food for hungry souls. These funds also supply needed food for our Wednesday night Bible study and community meal. It is hard to listen to the message of Christmas when your stomach is growling!
2023 Christmas Offering

The He Shall Be Called…Generous Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $12,000 for three ministry initiatives:
Assist those in need in our community by partnering with Premier Palace. New Life has a long history with Premier Palace. Many of the ladies staying there worship with us as well as join us for Wednesday night Bible study. Some come only during their stay at Premier Palace. But others have become members of New Life. Premier Palace needs help in making necessary repairs so that more ladies can be helped. Our partnership with Premier Palace will help fund repairs.
Ms. Sylvia Winston, director of Premier Palace, shares with us about the Premier Palace:
Support Christian Nursing Program in Haiti. We pray for this school and the nurses every Sunday. Haiti has been hit hard by economic and social turmoil. Yet the Christian Nursing Program continues to provide high quality instruction. New Life’s financial partnership will ensure that the school can meet the rising costs of living and teaching.
Click here to learn more about this school!
Help send the Bradley family to the Philippines to serve as missionaries. Shanna Bradley is the founder of Journey Birth and Wellness. The Bradleys will serve with Katalyst World Partners. Shanna will teach at NewLife in the Philippines. NewLife is a program that offers a Christian-based cross-cultural midwifery program.
Shannah Bradley shares with us about her families plans to go to the Philippines.
Click here to learn more about Katalyst World Partners
Click here to learn more about NewLife International Midwifery School.
2022 Christmas Offering

The Arise, Shine Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $10,000 for three ministry initiatives:

Acts 2:44-45 (GW) 44 All the believers kept meeting together, and they shared everything with each other. 45 From time to time, they sold their property and other possessions and distributed the money to anyone who needed it.
New Life receives many requests for help from both members and our community. This fund will continue to allow us to meet these needs.

Faith Comes by Hearing – Vision 2033:
- A New Testament recording in the heart language of 99% of the people in the world.
- At least a portion of Scripture recorded for the remaining 1% of people in their heart language.
- At least one Gospel Film in the heart language of everyone in the world.
- Audio and Video Scriptures freely available to every person on Earth.

Liberian Children’s Ministry to help Foya Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Mission School add more classroom space. Currently this school is pre-k through 10th grade. It has 977 students enrolled. The school is over capacity this year and the 10th grade students are asking to add 11th grade next year.
You can Arise and Shine Christ’s love on these ministries by clicking here and use the drop down menu and select “Christmas Offering.”
The Christmas offering will run November 20, 2022 through January 8, 2023.
2021 Christmas Offering

The A Christmas Picture of Revival Christmas Offering is a call to sacrificial giving with a goal of $7,500 for three ministry initiatives:
Sponsor a well at a rural school in Liberia. This will provide clean water for students, their families and community. These wells also serve as a ministry opportunity for the church.
Because of your generosity, we were able to sponsor all the schools that needed wells!
Support Christian nursing training in Haiti.
We pray for this school and the nurses every Sunday. Haiti has been hit hard by economic and social turmoil. Yet the school of nursing continues to provide high quality instruction. New Life’s financial partnership will ensure that the school can meet the rising costs of living and teaching. To learn more about the school and the foundation that supports it, click here!
Help our dear brother in Christ, Rev. D. Kingsly Jacob, start a new ministry to help the poor in India. His plan includes providing clothing, gifts, and food particularly for the poor, widows, and destitute street children. He also wants to help those who are staying in aged homes. New Life has the opportunity to help make his plan a reality through our Christmas offering.
This Christmas Offering will be received through January 2, 2022.
Support Rev. Kingsley’s Outreach to the Poor of India

Rev. Kingsley worshipped with us while studying at Concordia Theological Seminary. He was impressed with our generosity and ministry to our neighborhood. He writes:
By Gods grace we have slowly entering into the field with some gifts. Some of them are ready to hear our gospel which we proclaim the word of God among purely people of other faith(Hindus).
The place which we selected is very difficult to spread the gospel that is southern part of Tamlnadu namely Madurai. Historically this place called “temple of the city.” this place away from my home town near around 125 miles.
One person gave us his back yard to gather the people who really wants Jesus. Through that we could done something among the people. Still our work is in progress. We hope it will really worth to show our love of Jesus. Please keep on pray so that we can move forward though we have been facing some of the problems arises by Hindu politicians and traditionalists. But God is with us as Immanuel who guiding us how to spread the gospel among the temple of city.
Thank you for encouraging me to do such a challenging task which is very much essential in India. God bless us all
Thank you and blessings.