Big Idea of the series: These 7 sins are deadly because they produce so many more sins in our lives. During the season of Lent, we take time to reflect on our sins. Using these 7 sins to help us in our confession and repentance of sins will lead us to the cross of Jesus.
Big Idea: Pride is the first of all sins, and all sins flow from pride. When we sin, we are making ourselves equal or greater to God.
Here is a Bible study to help you go deeper:
Here is a Bible study to help you go deeper:
Big Idea: Sinful anger is all about me, my wants, my desires. It lashes out at others, unmindful of the damage.
Big Idea: Sloth is not caring about others. It can lead to not caring about anything. Another name for sloth is apathy or complacency.
Greed: the sin of never having enough
Big Idea: Greed causes us to be selfish. It also causes us to commit other sins in order to get what we want.
Lust: the sin of being ruled by feelings rather than God’s Word
Big Idea: Lust begins in the thoughts. It proceeds in our words. It ends in our actions. It is all designed to make our feelings our god rather than the living God.